Monday, May 25, 2015

Fresh Blood: Why Beyond Dead By Dawn Is The Evil Dead Comic We’ve Been Waiting For

When Evil Dead 2: Beyond Dead By Dawn was announced by independent comic distributor Space Goat Productions, many fans were confused.  Evil Dead 2 has, after all, slowly been subsumed into the conclusion of Army of Darkness.  Ash definitively gets sucks into the past in both versions of the story – ergo how could it continue without trampling on familiar territory?

The answer’s a surprising one. Taking place in a world where Annie Knowby didn’t die of a Kandarian Dagger to the back, the comic focuses on her quest of family redemption as she tries to save her father’s reputation from the self-imposed ashpile. Speaking of Ashes, Annie realizes she can’t conquer the forces of darkness alone, so when he disappears through the porthole into the past she contrives to use Ash’s Deadite-possessed hand to clone a full-sized version of him.   That means she has to use a blood ritual to resurrect him and it also means he lapses into uncontrollable Deadite rages.  Together they trot through time and space to undo the evil magic that’s beset their lives.

Annie has always been Raimi’s best heroine, and her legacy has always been frustrated by her death.  If this comic succeeds in undoing her ignominious end then it can only be a boon.   The plotline, too, is rather unique, using an Ash that’s not from the movie’s linear continuity yet also from the same universe.  It’ll all be up the writers; can they give us the right combination of splatter and humor we’ve come to expect from this franchise?  Hopefully this July I’ll be able to report back in the affirmative that they did.

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